Mark Zuckerberg was all over the news again last week as he testified on Capitol Hill for the (mostly clueless) politicians about privacy issues and data breaches.
All this is only weeks after Zuck announced sweeping changes to the Facebook algorithm, that most marketers referred to as the “Facebook Apocalypse.”
So is the future of Facebook at stake? Is Facebook dead? (“The horror. The horror!”)
And what about video, recently seen as the savior and future of the platform?
Is Facebook Live dead?
Before we panic and head for the Facebook exits, let’s pause for a reality check:
Facebook Live videos still get 6X more interaction than regular video posts, and video on social media still generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.
And let’s not forget that 78% of online audiences are already watching video on Facebook Live.
Live video is outpacing the growth of other types of online video, with a 113% increase in ad growth yearly.
As you may know, I’ve been doing a Facebook Live video every day in 2018 since the 1st of the year. And while the daily views are not off the charts, it’s still the best way to get the most engagement on any social platform.
You can join our free “Go Live” Challenge anytime by joining our Facebook group at
So while the Facebook Apocalypse is definitely changing the platform, Live Video is still your best bet for reaching your peeps on Facebook.
Even after the recent changes, live video is more appealing to brand audiences: 80% would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% prefer live video to social posts, according to LiveStream.
Do NOT give up on Live Video. It’s your most powerful tool for engagement, and the best way to connect, build relationships, and attract new clients.
Check out my daily videos on Facebook Live, or join us in our Facebook group if you’re looking for a safe and supportive space to post or test your live videos.
The post Is Facebook Live Dead? appeared first on Lou Bortone.